le vere novita di Terava sono queste:
Vedi l'allegato 186166
Vedi l'allegato 186167
Vedi l'allegato 186168
Vedi l'allegato 186165
con tanto di descrizione :
"Tylsä - the dullest tool brand!
Finland is rich with history and experience when it comes to making sharp tools for outdoor use. Unfortunately, new ideas really don't come up that often and most manufacturers keep making the same traditional and dangerous designs they've been making for decades. Not that there's anything wrong with traditional designs as such, but we wanted to breathe some new life into the Finnish tradition with our ideas.
The good thing with these tools is that all the advertising platforms accept these, unlike their sharper brothers, so we got that going, which is nice!
Tylsä products are manufactured in Finland, by our partners at Savotta. A Tylsä product is Finnish craftsmanship, pure and simple! And "Tylsä", that's just Finnish for "dull". Dull is good, it's safe and never changes! Think of macro breweries - you always get the same, which is not the case with the microbreweries."